Perfect Truths on the Way to the Kingdom of God Consciousness given to
us by Joseph Benner are clear instructions that guide us along the
narrow path to the Kingdom. Everyday sincere and honest work bears
am the Way-the only way you can travel-either without or within;
for only by using My power can you be,
can you express, can you do,
can you go. Hence only by finding and knowing
Me as your true and only
self, can you ever find the Kingdom.
"I am the
Truth. There would be no knowing in you if it
were not for Me in you. For am I not the
Interpreter-the only Teacher of Truth-the only Knower-for you?
"I am the Life. There would be no life in your body
if I were not dwelling in it-for I am the Life that lives
it. I am the Life of God that flows into, centers in you, expresses
you, and Is you."Therefore you must seek and find
Me, that you may know and become
I AM-for only by entering in and being Me,
can you come into the Consciousness of the Father, Who is One with
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