The only real self-power, self-courage, self-authority and self-consciousness is based on understanding, experience and living the Essence.
The essence of oneself, Consciousness. That is the only true Freedom ... In the balance and unification of matter, mind and Spirit. In harmony of body, Spirit and quiet mind.
Monika Doreán, confirmed by her own experience ... :-)
LIFE has no "reason", JUST IS, that's all his reason. Everything "just" IS, whatever. People, animals, plants, things, feelings, emotions have no other reason than TO JUST BE ... No reason, no cause, no greater or lesser importance of this or that. Nobody and nothing is less or more. Everything is just .. I can only marvel at the Self. Nothing is more or less important. Everything is JE. Nothing is "better or worse". Everything is JE. There is nothing for "I" to be ashamed of. There is no "I". It's just WHAT IT IS, AWARE ... I AM...:-)
By simply realizing who you are from the Essence, all limiting beliefs about yourself are lost. A person's belief in yourself ... You behave, feel and act spontaneously and naturally ...
I stopped "clinging to suffering". Even the "last part had to convince me that he no longer has to suffer. The same situations evoking the same emotions, fear, helplessness, etc., can be walked through without suffering and allow you to take things as they are ... and let them go. Paradoxically, by what you want to get rid of the most, you practically support the most and fight back.
I enjoy my own uniqueness ... You can only be an inspiration to others. You can inspire others. By copying others, you deprive yourself of your uniqueness. And if others copy you, they can't take away your uniqueness, they just deprive themselves of their own. This is the only way you can see the beauty of your own uniqueness - without comparing ...
Everything that "happens" to us is in perfect order ... whether we accept it or not ... All small or large experiences and experiences are absolutely convenient for us and our self-awareness ... Existence only gives you in all situations the opportunity to awaken to your Essence, the source of everything ...
I only enjoy existence itself, with everything it brings, that is Living to the fullest. I don't suppress anything and I don't let myself be pushed to anything ...
I'm not scared anymore, that I'm not afraid ... I don't feel guilty anymore, that I don't feel guilty ... :-)
I bet "everything" and won myself ...
Happiness is right here and now, anytime. It is not somewhere out there in something or in someone else or then when we deserve it. We just have to make available to ourselves everything that is already naturally in us, joy, love, peace and tranquility.
I am not a body with a soul, but a Soul with a body ... The difference - essential :-)
Why invest in a "copy" of me - ideas, illusions, when I can be the original I - authenticity, reality ...
It is time to manifest and be seen. You were born to live and make love with all your heart ... :-) Monika Doreán