


Joseph S. Benner founded the Sun Center in 1920 to provide his students with a series of Inner Life and Impersonal Life Teachings, teaching them how to become aware of their Divine Within each day.

In 2020, we founded DoreánMaster the Sun Center, where we continue the legacy of Joseph Benner, on the basis of the Impersonal Teaching that we went through ourselves.

In 2022, we founded the School of Impersonal Teaching, which offers students of Truth courses, books and workshops on how to discover and realize their Divine Self.

In 1933, Joseph S. Benner founded the magazine "INNER LIFE" - which was a deep well of impersonal work and teaching for the students of Truth. Joseph S. Benner was preparing to publish books from this magazine, but he did not publish them because of his busy schedule. Our publishing house DoreánMaster Sun Center, these books based on inner guidance, started to publish and share Impersonal Teaching.

THESE PAGES tell in detail about the Work and purpose of the SUN CENTER, they show that it is the effort of the Great Brotherhood of Christ to present to the world true teachings that clearly show a direct and sure way to the Kingdom; that the Work is intended only for those deeply sincere who seek the Kingdom first and foremost in their lives and seek nothing for themselves, but to prepare and arm themselves for the service of the Master.

The Sun Center is not just a publishing house, a school of impersonal teaching and a website, it is a CENTER from which the LIGHT OF TRUTH flows. It is not only the outer center, but the CENTER within, in every man in his heart. This is the true Center of this LIGHT OF TRUTH - LOVE. And that is our basis, to show the way to the Divine Self of every person.

Welcome to our publishing house Impersonal and Non-dual Work and Teaching










Joseph Sieber Benner


of Impersonal Life and Impersonal Work and Teaching.

These pages and books are devoted to the profound spiritual writings of Joseph Sieber Benner of Akron, Ohio, USA (1872-1938). In the early 1920s and 1930s, Joseph Benner published a series of profound works, pamphlets, and books that are as relevant today, and perhaps more so, than when they were first written. To preserve these profound writings, they have been republished here for all who may resonate with these teachings. It is important to remember that when reading these writings, the Truth cannot be adequately expressed in words, so accept these writings as "signposts" which, if carefully followed, will help bring you Home ... to your true nature ... but only in case you have made the necessary effort.

At the age of 40, Joseph S. Benner received (directly from the Christ within) the message that the inner Self of each person is the Divine Spirit. He published this revelation anonymously in Impersonal Life (1914), which is the cornerstone of Impersonal Teaching.

"More than all, try to realize that the 'I' speaking throughout the Message is the Spirit within, your own Soul, the Impersonal Self, the Real Self, the same Self which in other moments of silence points out to you your faults, your follies, your weaknesses , and is still chastising you and trying to get you to live up to the ideals that are constantly held before your mental gaze. . . . The great blessing of the Message is that if you are ready, the "I" that speaks here will continue to speak to you directly from your heart, after you put the book down, in such a confidential and convincing way that it will remove all your problems, it will be a well of wisdom and power for you and bring you peace, health, happiness, freedom - an abundance of everything your heart desires desires."

Based on these revelations, Joseph S. Benner founded the Sun Center in 1920, which provided his students with a series of courses in inner life and impersonal life teachings, teaching them how to realize their divine inner self every day. Precisely at noon to the Silence of the Spirit, enabling "every serious seeker to heal and rise from all conditions of disharmony, disease, lack and limitation".

This was called the "Noon Chalice" and all were invited to join, wherever they were, to open the way for their brothers in Christ to "pour the Light and power of Divine Love" into their hearts. In 1933, he founded the magazine "Inner Life", which published regular student correspondence supplemented by answers to difficulties and articles on the interpretation of dreams and the coming tribulations that were to accompany the arrival of the Age of Aquarius.


A section for getting to know the Impersonal Work.





The seminal Impersonal Work recorded by Joseph Benner, dictated by the True Divine Self - God, is the first secret encounter with one's True Self - God within. Loving, clear words that penetrate into the depth of one's being are the key that unlocks the door to knowledge (who am I really?).

These books, especially THE IMPERSONAL LIFE, the first and largest, bring a distinctly new, vital and outstanding message to the world, a message that of its own power of Truth has spread to the far corners of the earth. Wherever it has appeared, it was in response to the call of Souls ready to be taught how to make the contact with their Higher Self, and many hundreds through its teachings have been lifted into the consciousness of the Christ Within, the Real Self of every man.

The message is in simple language, but so powerful and universal is its appeal that all who are ready are quickened by the reading and meditation upon its truths to a higher degree of spiritual unfoldment, and thereby into the entering upon a new life. It is the I AM, the Inner Self, that speaks from out the pages, so plainly and convincingly that the reader feels that his own best Self is talking to him; and to the earnest student it becomes the means whereby, on laying the book aside, that Self continues speaking in the same simple language direct from out his own heart. Therein lies its great value—it actually brings about the union with the Higher Self that many are yearning for these days. - JOSEPH S. BENNER


I AM You, that part of you who IS and KNOWS;


And always knew, and always was.

Yes, I AM You, Your SELF; that part of you who says I AM and is I AM; 

That transcendent, innermost part of you which quickens within as you read, which responds to this My Word, which perceives Its Truth, which recognizes all Truth and discards all error wherever found.Notthat part which has been feeding on error all these years.

For I AM your real Teacher, the only real one you will ever know, and the only MASTER;

I, your Divine SELF.

I, the I AM of you, bring to you this My Message, My living Word, as I have brought to you everything in life, be it book or "Master," to teach you that I, and I alone, your own True Self, AM The Teacher for you, the only Teacher and the only God, Who is and always has been providing you not only with the Bread and Wine of Life, but with all things needed for your physical, mental and spiritual growth and sustenance.

Therefore that which appeals to YOU, as you read, is MY Message, spoken to your outer human consciousness from within, and is but a confirmation of that which the I AM of you always knew within, but had not yet translated in definite, tangible terms to your outer consciousness.


The book Way Out is the definitive instruction and law, the way out of financial limitation and all limitations of the mind.

From the Same Source as The Impersonal Life

Do you want to find the way out of your financial troubles?
Do you want, freedom from lack, limitation, inharmony, sickness and
Then, dear friend, read and study this little book, for in it you will
find the secret of success, prosperity, health, happiness, and even how to
find the Kingdom of God, which we are told to seek when all these
things will be added.
Yes, in it you are actually shown the way to gain these priceless blessings,
and so clearly and simply that all who will may have them. And all that
is necessary is to do faithfully and persistently what is therein shown.
And everyone who wants it badly enough can do it.
In fact the law back of all manifestations is plainly given, and
instructions of far greater value than those for which students have paid
hundreds of dollars to those who claimed to teach this law.
After reading and receiving. the blessings of this great message, you
will want all your friends in trouble to know of its saving truth. So we
have printed a special low'priced edition that will enable you to purchase
copies in dozen lots or more for that purpose. But you will want the
better-hinding for your own use, for daily study. - JOSEPH S. BENNER

We know that with many finances are often a problem. All followers of Jesus Christ should learn the law which if obeyed will enable them to rise out of all conditions of lack, limitation, inharmony, disease and unhappiness that may manifest.

You ask if this is really possible, and if there is a law which if obeyed will enable one to accomplish all that.

We say emphatically, there is such a law, and that you can be free from the fear and dominance of money, that you can have an abundance of all good things, that you can be well and happy, and can bring about an adjustment into perfect harmony of all departments of your life - if you want these things enough to train yourself to obey this law.


Continuation of the definitive path from mind limitation.

This is a companion message to THE WAY OUT, and is intended for
the student or seeker who has glimpsed the way out as shown in its truths,
and now wishes to go on and find that perfect Freedom and Peace which
is the heritage of every child of God.
It particularly teaches that the way to that goal is within, that the
Kingdom and God are within, and it points clearly how they may be
found. God is brought very close and becomes very real, and never more
will anyone who reads seek for Him without or somewhere up in the
skies. In fact it actually carries the earnest student who follows its sug-
gestions straight to the Kingdom, enables him to see and know it for just
what it is. and how to enter and abide in its consciousness. - JOSEPH S. BENNER

In our booklet, THE WAY OUT was pointed the way to freedom from lack, limitation, inharmony, disease and unhappiness, and there is no excuse for any who faithfully follow the suggestions given to be any longer in such condition.

The booklet has reached scores of thousands of readers and many have been lifted by its truths into a new consciousness and thereby into a new world, where everything and everybody are changed, for they are seeing with new eyes and with a different understanding.

That which appears is no longer what it seemed, but the good and the real are now visible and can be seen shining through all conditions and people - because they are now looked for, and the former negative tendencies are tabooed and not allowed to enter the consciousness.


The Message of the True Self - through Joseph Benner - the message of the one true Teacher, the own Divine Self, within each person.

THE TEACHER is a similar message, but expressly intended for those
who have elected to be teachers of those seeking Spiritual light. Many
soul-searching questions are put by the Higher Self of the reader speaking
in the message, often causing real Spiritual quickening, and baring many
hidden dark places in the human heart of which before the student was
unconscious. It is real Inner Teaching, and many teachers have found it
of untold value and helpfulness in their own lives and work. - JOSEPH S. BENNER

And shall I now tell you about My Impersonal Life, how you may consciously live it with Me, and be wholly One with Me, Your True Self, your Father-in-Heaven?

Then listen! And meditate long and earnestly on all I now shall say. Do not pass by a single sentence or any one thought in it until My meaning becomes clear.

I seek nothing but to BE and EXPRESS My Self in and through you. My Self is purely Impersonal, for It is the Real self of every human being. I AM the pure, perfect, selfless, inner nature of every human self, ensouled in their physical bodies, in order to develop them into mediums for the expression of My Divine attributes on earth, even as it is in Heaven.

Therefore, you, too, must seek nothing but to be and express your True self, which is I, your Divine, Impersonal Self. Thereby do you unite your purpose with Mine, your will with My Will, your nature with My Nature; and thus become One with Me, and We become Two-in-One, the Divine estate on earth.


The message of the True Self - through Joseph Benner - the message of the own Divine Self, in every person, directed to all who seek the way to the Kingdom.

Another message directed to those who are seeking and those who have
gained the power of acquiring earthly riches. Here again the Self probes
deep into the human heart, and points out some very inspiring and con
vincing truths which have helped many to see a great light and to follow
it the remainder of their days. For they have learned what the possession
of wealth means and why the power of gaining it was given them. - JOSEPH S. BENNER

LISTEN! And ponder.Are you not seeking happiness, peace, health, love, the fullness of life here on earth?

Think you you will find them in the things and practices of the world? Have you not learned the futility of that?Think you you can be truly rich and truly happy, when millions of your brothers are in poverty and misery?

No, My child; not until you have risen above all the illusions of this world of yours, have had your sight cleared by misery and suffering, have felt the poverty of love, have hungered for the TRUE Bread of Life, and have finally gotten a taste of it through forgetting self and serving your brothers, with My Righteousness as the guiding influence of your life, - can you ever find true happiness, find that peace, that harmony, that love your Soul craves. But when you HAVE found THAT, then you have indeed entered into My Kingdom.


The message of the True Self - through Joseph Benner - the message of the own Divine Self, in each person, directed for all whose hearts call them to service.

Like the other Impersonal Books, the Higher Self of the reader speaks,
and declares with no uncertain meaning that the time has come when
Brotherhood must be lived and demonstrated by those teaching it; that the
day of teaching and preaching is past,—now what has been taught must
be put into practice and shown to the world.

To give you an idea of the contents of this highly illuminating little,
book, the following are the subjects treated: The Voice; The Call to Service; Leaders; He Who is to Come; 

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness; Evil; The Enemy; The Kingdom of God.
In The Voice many will be helped to hear and know that Inner Voice
which is the one guide all are hoping to find. In Evil and The Enemy
some very definite and remarkable and much needed teaching is given.
While in The Kingdom of Heaven high Spiritual instruction will be found. - JOSEPH S. BENNER

YOU who have reached that stage in your climb to the heights where you are no longer seeking anything of self, having tasted of all that the outer world and its human teachers can offer, and something within is strongly insisting that you begin to prove and demonstrate what you have learned by living it and using it to help others who are still seeking;

You, who have felt within the heart a definite call to service and yearn to follow and obey, but who from obeying many urges in the past, only to be disappointed and disillusioned each time by failure of the leaders to be worthy of the Causes they represent, and you are therefore uncertain about this call, and are fearful of not knowing just what you ought to and can do;

You who have not yet had this experience, but who are moved by a strong loving desire to help lift the load from those less fortunately situated, and who would know what is that insistent something within, and whose the voice that thus calls;

Know, one and all, what you feel is My Love quickening into conscious active life in your heart, and what you hear is My Voice calling you to make ready for the Work I have been preparing you for - a Work that is your Work, long waiting for you to do,- when you have proven that self is no longer in control, and that you are willing to let Me lead the remainder of the way.


45 Lessons for Beginners on the Path to the Kingdom of God Consciousness. You will be guided by the True, Divine Self through Joseph Benner.

ALREADY you are entering into a wider understanding. There are many who have gone on, yet in ignorance of much with which you are familiar. So far we have clearly stated the first fact — Who are we? Indestructible spiritual beings. The living knowledge of this alters your whole mental attitude towards sin, sickness, and death. Now we approach with reverence and humility our next consideration — Why am I?

The whole answer is contained in one sentence: You are, because God is; but as man is still blinded by false sense, I will endeavor to speak from your own standpoint. In the place where you are, there is a work of the highest importance to be done, and no one else can do your work. God has brought you to this time and place in order to carry out perfect laws.

You may never be known to the world, but your work shall stand for ever. By your own indwelling spiritual forces you will spiritualize and make real the plane of shadow and confusion. Working from the same spiritual standpoint, there will be no separation between us and you. In reality, there is no division. Your world sense of fear is the only barrier between us. This is a falsity, and belongs to ignorance and chaos. You are just where you are for the doing of God's perfect work. Hold an attitude of receptivity of heart and mind.

All the good around you exists for ever, and can never change or be lost. It is spoiled to you, because your eyes have opened to good and bad.


"In the beginning was Love and that Love was with God and that Love was God. She was with God in the beginning".

"She (Love) created all things; and without Her was not anything made that was made".

"In Her was Life, and Life was the Light of men. And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not understand."

A section for advanced students of the Impersonal Work

The Living Teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded by Joseph Benner, dictated by Jesus Christ. As you read these words, you are in His Presence, One with Him. Jesus Christ is Love in us, enlightening our minds with Truth. Perfect Truth is the Light of His Love which absorbed in spirit, soul, mind and body is a direct evidence of God's Love.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

The time must soon be when thou must make Me frst in thy thoughts, must turn to Me for guidance in all that thou dost. For without Me as Love thou art nothing and canst do nothing - nothing that will bring harmony and peace into thy life. But with Me all things are possible, even worldly sucess. Yea, selfless Love can accomplish anything, few human hearts can stand before it, and in time all will succumb to its power.

Then beloved, seek to know Love. Do not pass it by as mere sentimentality, as some would have ye believe. Study it. Note its effect on thee, and on others. Open thyself to it, and let it rule in thy heart and mind.

But it must be selfless Love; for selfish love is even more harmful and causes more misery than cold intellectuality.

And know, Love is the only way unto Me and unto the Father. Those who wish to know Me can find Me no other way. For Love is My Voice, the way thou mayest always know when I speak. Learn to know My Voice, beloved.

That is why, here at the beginning, I, Jesus Christ, tell thee that I, Love and the Father are One; that Love is all I AM and all that the Father IS; that without Love ye are nothing, but with Love the way for thee is wide open unto the Father, and He but awaits thy recognition of Me as I AM, to pour out upon thee the riches of His Kingdom.

editor - Ján Master

These beautiful words in this book are the pure speech of the Divine Self, God to man. Truths as bright as the radiant light of the sun are a gift to man from His Father in Heaven.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

"Dear Father, may I ask just who You are? I know you are my real Self-but what is that Self? Is it my Soul, my Christ Self, or my Father in Heaven?"

"Listen, My Son, and know the truth. I who now speak, and who have spoken, taught and guided you from earliest childhood, Am your real and only Self. I Am the soul of you, the Father of your human mind, in that I have extended My Consciousness and Life in you in this life, even as I extended it in many bodies in many lives in ages past; and you in this life are as much of God's or the One Consciousness as I have unfolded, and as much spiritual understanding as I have gained from all past experience and Am able to convey to your brain-mind, and which I Am giving it as fast as I can develop and prepare it to receive it.

editor - Jan Master

A book full of the teachings of Christ from the Kingdom of Heaven (from the consciousness of Christ) - only for those devoted to God and Christ, whose hearts are burning for Freedom and Truth.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

"My child, think you l do not understand your needs, likewise your desire to serve me and to do the Lord's Will? Because you do not truly know me-that I Am your real and only self, and have always been within, trying to get your interest and attention; but you preferred to turn to outer teachings and authorities- I have allowed you to go and learn the hard way, the way of experience.

"But if you will now turn within to me and wait upon me every moment of the day, desiring only to please me-your inner self, concerned not at all about results, about outer things and interests or even your spiritual advancement, but keeping mind and heart fixed on me in a simple, childlike, perfect love and trust, believing all that I tell you- I will prove to you that I Am your one and only teacher, and must be our only authority; that I provide all things that you need; give you the power and ability to do anything necessary; supply you with the wisdom and understanding to handle every problem that confronts you; and will eventually bring your consciousness back into my consciousness, so that we will be one consciousness, and you as a mind will no longer be separate from me, but will be my selfless and perfect instrument, as your hand exists but to serve your mind.

editor - Jan Master

This book by Joseph Benner is the Direct Path to the Kingdom. Know the Truth in this book and the Truth will set you free.


Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

You will notice that we said "apparent" because what appears is only what appears in your mind. Try to understand what we mean. The way Jesus performed all his miracles was by refusing to see what had appeared and then continuing to see what had appeared and act as if it already was.

There is a great secret hidden in these words. Instead, you did nothing and just waited for guidance. This is not what your true Self has taught you to do when it provides you with all these truths; It expects you to apply and use them.

What are these truths? He gave you the power to think - to think only good and perfect thoughts, such as God would have you think. Then you should know that God loves you and cares for you and gives you all good things.

If you really know it, you will see like Jesus, you will actually see it on a mental level; you will see how He gives you all the good things, and you will act as if you had them - instead of sitting and waiting for them to manifest.

But how can you act like you have them? In many ways, but mainly by refusing to see and for a moment consider the lack of any good thing. In other words, you must live in that mental world of goodness and abundance so realistically that it is the only world for you, that is, believe what is there - when it has to manifest itself in the outer world.


This book by Joseph Benner clarifies the Truth about the soul and the Impersonal Life in everyday practice. Real Impersonal Learning for all students and thinkers of Truth.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

YOUR QUESTION CONCERNING HEALING is one that confronts every disciple until the Law is truly known.

We know how you feel when you want to help anyone who needs healing and understanding. But you have found the only true way you can help them, and that is to see in them only Christ, or God, who is All in all. To the degree that you KNOW and see Him - you see right through the outward appearance, no matter what they are - you can not only bring about healing, but you can lift them out of the darkness in which their souls have wandered. Whenever you feel a strong, compelling urge to help anyone, when you see such a person suffering or needing help, be sure that when you know the above Truth and see that person's Christ or true Self, you are not breaking any Law but following the guidance of your Divine Self, which is One with the other's Christ Self.


The real food of Truth for the soul. For all students of TRUTH. 

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.


I AM your true and only Self. I AM the Light and Life within you; The Light and Life that resides in everyone on Earth and in all realms of consciousness. All things are filled with My Eternal Life and are filled and surrounded by My Pure White Spirit Light. "I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me, though he was dead, will live. Whoever lives and believes in ME will never die? Do you believe that?"


The Perfect Truths on the Way to the Kingdom of God Consciousness given to us by Joseph Benner are clear instructions that guide us along the narrow path to the Kingdom. Everyday sincere and honest work bears fruit.


"I am the Way-the only way you can travel-either without or within; for only by using My power can you be, can you express, can you do, can you go. Hence only by finding and knowing Me as your true and only self, can you ever find the Kingdom.

"I am the Truth. There would be no knowing in you if it were not for Me in you. For am I not the Interpreter-the only Teacher of Truth-the only Knower-for you?

"I am the Life. There would be no life in your body if I were not dwelling in it-for I am the Life that lives it. I am the Life of God that flows into, centers in you, expresses you, and Is you."Therefore you must seek and find Me, that you may know and become I AM-for only by entering in and being Me, can you come into the Consciousness of the Father, Who is One with Me."


The Sun Papers are 28 Lessons - Diamonds of Truth for advanced students of the Impersonal Work by Joseph Benner. The Sun Papers are a continuation of the Way to the Kingdom and are enriched with 4 new chapters and 2 articles.

These lessons will clarify much, clear the mind of all rubbish and bring it to its Lord who is your true Self - the Christ in you. The mind becomes a humble, loving servant of You - Christ. You will weep with Love for your True Self as you go through these lessons and incorporate the Truth into your practical life.

First get quiet and still your human mind and all its thoughts. Then speak
commandingly the words as taught in "The Impersonal Life," —

"Be Still, and KNOW — I AM, God."

Speak them with all the force of your soul, your inner self, expecting to be obeyed. Then in the quiet that ensues, open your heart and let love out. If you do not know how — it is by pouring your heart out to God in loving adoration. And think of God as the Great Self of you, whose life animates you, whose intelligence is your mind, whose power enables you to do all things you do; who is also the life, intelligence and power in all things outside of you.

Continue to let love thus pour out of you, and while doing so study that love; note that it is coming from somewhere deep within you. Go within where it is. Watch, as you join with it! You are becoming absorbed in that love! Yes, you are merging into it — it is possessing you! No, YOU are that love!


This book is a wonderful gift from the Brotherhood of Christ that allows us to see and realize that all the diseases and disharmonies in our lives are created by ourselves based on wrong thinking and the subsequent feeling of negative thoughts and beliefs and negative emotions. A Law is applied which is so simple:

"Whatever you think and thus hold in consciousness manifests in your body and affairs."

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

IT IS THE purpose of this magazine to inform its readers of all possible facts that will enable them to know and apply the laws of life, so that they can convert any inharmonious conditions in their minds, bodies and affairs into harmonious ones, and can thus align themselves with the One Life and the One Mind, in order that they can co-operate consciously with them.

We wish again to state the law—that what is now manifesting is the result of what has been believed and is now held in consciousness as being so. Therefore, all that is needed to change what is manifesting is to change the picture-belief held in consciousness. How to do this is most clearly stated and explained in The Way Out. All of these cases graphically illustrate and confirm its teachings.


A very timely book from the Divine Self through Joseph Benner, which is written in a time of great tribulation for humanity, which is relevant for today, as each time has its days of tribulation and its elect of God.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

EVERY sensitive soul in the world today is feeling with unmistakable insistence the coming of some great change in the affairs of humanity; something impending that will alter the present condition of every man on earth.

We have tried to show in editorials and articles how all men are graded according to their spiritual growth, this growth being determined by their understanding and love of God. This means that those who love Him the most, and prove it by the wise and selfless way in which they are serving Him, by reaching and helping great numbers of His children, are elders of the race; while those who denounce Him, who claim there is no God, and who scoff at and persecute His worshippers, blaspheme His Name, and live a life of selfishness, thievery, crime, rapine, and murder, are but the infants of the race, not even knowing that they are a part of humanity.

We have shown that we are at the end of another term of lifes school, that all men are come to examination time, and that every one must face the Examiner and prove whether he has leaened his lessons and is ready to go forward into the next class, or if he is to stay where he is.

We have endeavored to make clear that a great Teacher named Jesus Christ came at the beginning of the term and gave certain fundamental teachings that He required each pupil to learn, and He promised that at the end of the term He would come again and judge all and would then separate all men into two classes, setting those who had faithfully striven to follow His teachings on His right hand and those who had not on His left.


The Perfect Truths on the Way to the Kingdom of God Consciousness given to us by Joseph Benner are clear instructions about the mind and soul.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

So it must be only the consciousness of your brain mind, your soul's outer reflection, that through wrong teachings and beliefs thinks it dwells in a body of flesh full of inharmonies, and likewise that this world it sees around it, as reported by the feshly senses, is only what it appears to be to the mortal mind. The fact is that all these are but concepts or picture creations of the mortal mind and have no existence except in mortal consciousness, which itself is a delusion because it deems itself separate from your Divine Consciousness; when it could not be separate, for it is your consciousness, and there is only one consciousness, God's Consciousness.

If you can get your mind to see this and then to stop believing these mortal concepts, which are all lies, and to turn its vision instead to that pertect Self within and to the perfect world there that you see and know in your Divine Consciousness,it will gradually refuse to believe and look upon the untrue pictures it has been carrying around in its consciousness thinking they are real.

It is this mind of yours that you are teaching the above truths by means of the hard but necessary experiences of life. When it finally believes and accepts these truths and turns away from the lies of former beliefs, refusing to allow their thought pictures in the mind anymore, seeing always instead only the good and perfect things belonging to your true nature and your true world, then all these old beliefs and pictures will dissolve and likewise their outer manifestations for they cannot exist when you no longer feed them with your interest and your acknowledgment of their reality.


Perfect teaching, through Joseph Benner, that leads directly to the Kingdom WHICH IS CONFIRMED BY DIRECTLY LIVING IN THE KINGDOM - IN GOD'S CONSCIOUSNESS. Each chapter of the book is PURE TRUTH FROM THE DIVINE SELF IN US.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

After your letter came, I began to wonder about all of these false beliefs of being outside the Kingdom—about how long this has been going on. If we have been deceiving ourselves about so many things, why should we believe in time? We imagine that the earth turns around causing so-called days. And then there are so'called years, and centuries, and eons. Don't you see that we have been deceiving ourselves about all this? It suddenly occurred to me that we have not been out of the Kingdom one single second! We have just dreamed it all.

Can't you see that we went to sleep right in the middle of the Garden of Eden, among all the flowers and fragrance and glory just a minute ago ? And during that minute we have dreamed of worlds and races and misery and death and wars and suns and stars, and because we were so miserable it seemed ages and ages. WHEN IN REALITY IT WAS ONLY A MINUTE!

Now, sometime ago I discovered that this so-called human consciousness was a dark layer of something around the earth, and therefore around my and your and everyone's soul or real consciousness—a layer only as thick as a sheet of paper. And that all we needed to do was to turn our minds away from this outer layer of darkness within ourselves to the Light shining there, and we would see the Garden of Eden where we really lived.

If this is true—and I KNOW it is—then we have been thinking all this life and power into something that is really nothing. There is no outer world, no selfishness, no sick, poor, evil, warring personalities, and no time! What made time and all these things? It was our minds dreaming it all!

We must cleanse our minds of all these false beliefs, for they have been created out of a false consciousness, and have no more reality than the stuff out of which all our dreams are made.


The full teachings of Christ in a direct, clear, concentrated and practically lived form, through Joseph Benner, is the true Impersonal Work, for all students of Christ's Teachings.

Immerse your mind, soul and body in the Essence of Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

DO YOU realize that the word "concern" is one of the most important words in our language at the present time?

Why? Because your concern about what is happening these days more than anything else will involve you in whatever trials and tribulations are happening in the world. We will show you how this is so.

First know that nothing that is happening can in any way affec you, unless your mind accepts it as so and believes that it is affecting you. By the same token, nothing can hurt you if you do not let it in your consciousness; for what is not in your consciousness does not exist to you. Study these words carefully, for in them is hidden a very great truth.

That of which you are not conscious at a particular time, of course, is not—to you at that time. There can be no question about this, for your consciousness is all that you are, and what is in your world is only what is in your consciousness. That which is not in your consciousness, therefore, has no existence in your world.

Can you grasp the great significance of this? It means that if you do not let a thing get into your consciousness, it will not get into your life or affairs, and therefore it cannot affect you.

Does this apply to everything that is happening around you and that is affecting everyone else? It truly does, and is just why we are emphasizing this great truth. You need not be affected by anything, if you do notlet it concern your mind.


Another excellent Impersonal Work by Joseph Benner, it is a concentration of Truth for everyday life. Benner is working here with God's Law that

"What is manifesting now is the result of what you think and believe to be so."

and clearly shows us its use in practical life.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

Now let us see if we can get something across to you. We are going to restate the law, but in a different way, reversing the order of it. The fact that you see so prominently in your mind and believe it is so that outer conditions have not changed, is what prevents those conditions changing in the outer; because what you see and believe to be so in your mind must outmanifest in the physical. The moment that you can change that picture in your mind and see and believe a different thing is so, the outer conditions will correspondingly change.

Now let us show you that the change is actually beginning, whether you see it outwardly or not. You state that things and conditions do not concern you as much as they used to, and you are quieter and more peaceful within. In other words, you are beginning to take your mind off of that old picture and are not feeding it very much these days, because it does not concern you so much. When there is absolutely no concern about it and you do not feed that picture at all—do not even think of it anymore, you will find that it will disappear from your consciousness and therefore from outer manifestation, being replaced by the new picture of the truth you are building, as you more and more believe it is so.

If you will carefully consider and then meditate upon all that we have stated, you will find that it answers all your questions, and eventually your mind will give in to the truths that you are building in its consciousness.


IN THIS Department will be included teachings and truths for more advanced students, especially for those who have received the monthly lessons in the Papers during the past five years.

Some of our readers perhaps may not be able to grasp these truths, but we urge if so that they reserve them for future study and consideration, as they will contain matter of vital moment to the soul, when it is grown ready to receive and use it as intended.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

"We want you first to get acquainted with yourself as a soul-as a ray of Gods Consciousness, so that you will know that you are not your mind, that it is but your instrument or vehicle of consciousness on the earth plane, and that you will learn to utilize and direct all of its powers, even as from a higher level you will later learn to direct and utilize all of the powers of your soul."

And then that it is assumed "that you have brought your mind to that state of efficiency where you can hold its attention and interest upon any given thought to the exclusion of everything else."

This ability more than anything else is required, for we are intending to go and work in consciousness with others who need help and to whom we may be sent by our Higher Selves or by our Brothers in Spirit. But we are going to talk to and work with the souls or others, instead of with their outer personalities—to talk with their real selves, where we need not be interfered with by their human minds and all of their wrong beliefs.

For remember, their souls or real selves are centers of the One Consciousness, and are therefore not separate from It or from you, but are in your consciousness, which is the One Consciousness—even as are they also.

Therefore, the moment you, turn your minds attention and interest to anyone, that moment are you seeing and are with that one in consciousness—or in spirit, if you will—if you only know it, and can converse with him just the same as in the flesh.


This book of Impersonal Teaching establishes Love and Trust in God as the Source of all Good, all provision, all good thoughts, actions and actions. When practicing Trust in everyday life, there come tests and trials of faith, love and trust. The direct experience of Trust in the Source of All Good is full alertness and openness, acceptance of everything as it is and full awareness of God's Presence in action. Christ-The True Image of God (His Love) walking on Earth as in Heaven.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

YE ARE NOT flesh and blood, as ye have thought, but are substance of My Substance.

Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you. You must not even think you had anything to do with the choice.

Go forth in that understanding. I am the life in your body. Know it, and be forever free from the ills of the flesh. For is not My Life always pure and perfect?

Then why allow your mind to deny My perfect expression as your self?

Healing power is therefore within you, not without—for I am that Power.

Receive and use Me.

Soon ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make ye free from every limiting thought—-which means from everything limiting My outer expression. For I cannot long be limited, even by your mind, which is also My expression of My Self.

Dwell on the words, "I am Life." There is no other than My perfect Life.

Then shall My Life come forth and express its perfection.

I HAD asked a question about the confusion or disatisfaction which sometimes arises from seeking without, when the following came:

My child, it is because you thought you had to seek without to be taught by

Me. Now you know otherwise.

I am you Teacher—the only Teacher for you. Know that always. Be

ever conscious of Me within, and allow Me to guide: hen you cannot fail.

As you go about your daily tasks knowing always I am within, then are you always open to My guidance. For when you are thus constantly aware of My Presence, you cannot possibly fail or be misled.

By thus abiding in the consciousness of Me, in time you will merge

into My Consciousness, when you will be able to see Me in all men and in every living thing. For Am I not the Light of the world, and do not all live and move and have their being in My Consciousness?


The Brotherhood of Christ 42 Diamonds of Truth by the Brotherhood of Christ for Advanced Students of Impersonal Work by Joseph Benner. 

These Great Truths of the Great White Brotherhood, are the shining diamonds in the Heart of the One. Each diamond is a deep Truth that shines with the Light of Christ, illuminating the mind from the darkness of separation and illusion. 

After reading this Truth, the automatic process of living this Truth begins. They are a deep realization and subsequent purification from lies, which is sometimes not pleasant for the mind and its illusory creation of ego-selfishness.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

But both the Christ and the Anti-christ, from what we have shown, must then be acting as attributes and agents of God's Will, fulfilling opposite purposes, it is true, but perhaps both working to accomplish for God what He has planned from the beginning— the redemption and perfecting of man. We will study into that thought to see where it leads.

IN ORDER properly to do so, we ask you to try to rise with us in consciousness where you can be entirely outside of human consciousness and can look down upon the earth and see man for just what he is. Thereyou can see all of his childlike foolishness, selfishness and greed, his lack of love and consideration for others, and the consequent penalties he is paying to the Great Law for such disobedience. He seemingly cannot or does not want to learn that only by obeying the Law of Love, which is the guiding Law of all who are freed from human consciousness, can he attain to complete harmony and happiness. Yet he is constantly seeking freedom from trouble, hardship, lack, limitation, sickness, suffering, and even from sin and evil, dimly realizing that they are the outgrowth of his selfishness.


The Banker is a book about the truth about money and real Power, for advanced students of the Impersonal Work by Joseph Benner. 

The book reveals money as it is and the real Power that is mistaken for the power of money. The book reveals the secret of the medium of exchange - money.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

What is this mysterious, invisible medium of exchange, that makes possible a fellowship with the gods and the inhabitants of heaven?

It is the power and the practice of universal, impersonal, loving service in immediate response to an expressed or unexpressed need.

Is that too simple? Stop and think! "Universal" service implies a service utterly unmindful of color, race, nation, personality or sex.

editor -JAN MASTER

In this book, Joseph Benner introduces us to remarkable children and their parents and how to perceive and help these children.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

THERE are many remarkable children in the world today, those who naturally are to be the leaders of the coming generation, but more especially those who will usher in and be the leaders of the New Age.

Most of these children are in families whose parents do not understand them and seemingly hinder rather than encourage and help the development of their unusual souls. We know that that they do not hinder, however, for such souls in their greater understanding and unfoldment probably chose the families and conditions into which they incarnated, often choosing the ones providing the greatest handicaps as affording the best opportunities for developing the strength of character and powers of mind needed for the work they came here to do.

But this was not the case with all, for due to the special work they were preparing for, it was often necessary to have parents who would understand them and would allow their souls the freedom they needed,

and who would wisely concur and encourage when recognizing the child

was not speaking from the outer, but from the inner self.


In this book, Joseph Benner reveals to us the great Mystery of the Law, its promise and fulfillment. Blessed is he to whom this very great Truth of this Law is revealed to begin to use it.

Joseph Benner did not publish this book independently, all the chapters are from the monthly INNER LIFE, which was published from 1933 to 1940. While editing the articles from INNER LIFE, the book itself appeared and could be published.

MANY these days are seeking to know the Law that will free them from the lack and limitation in which they now find themselves, convinced that there is such a Law, and that until they find and are able to use it, they will be more or less bound to such unhappy condition.

Many books have been written on the subject and different phases of the Law have been uncovered. Many students and even teachers are struggling to make use of these glimpses of the Law, but with only partial and seldom with satisfactory results.

The very fact that so many are seeking it, even if there are but few who have found and are unquestionably using it and enjoying its benefits, proves that such a Law exists and that it is discoverable—but evidently only by those who have earned the right wisely to use it.

The time has come to give to those who can so use it a clearer glimpse of the Law and how to earn the right to its use; although we can add that it has been shown to them again and again and by no one more clearly than our Great Teacher and Master, Christ Jesus. Therefore, in giving this glimpse, we do not fear that any but those who are worthy and who will wisely use it, will get its full meaning—those who would misuse it will simply be unable to see it.


In this book, Joseph Benner reveals to us the great Secret of the Way, the Truth and the Life of the Kingdom of Heaven and its living on Earth.

 Blessed is the one to whom this very great Truth is revealed and he sets out determinedly on the way to the Kingdom, the Truth will be his Light to enter the Life of Christ.

Remember, you cannot enter and abide in the Kingdom until you have met and conquered every temptation that the enemy can bring to you, and you may be sure there will be brought everything that will thoroughly test your Wisdom, Discrimination and Strength of Will, as well as prove that there are no qualities of self still remaining.

And be not dismayed or discouraged at failure, for every failure is but to show you what you still lack and to give you the opportunity to study self the more, so as to learn how better to discipline and prepare it for the next test. Only thus can you gain the strength and what else is needed to withstand all the assaults of the enemy.

Try to understand that the entering and abiding in the Kingdom is for those only who have thus fully proven themselves—yea, it is for those only who have mastered self, so that it has become their loving and obedient servant. Such are called Masters for that sole reason.

Yet to be Master of self is not sufficient. It must come first; but it is not all—self must lose itself, must merge into the Christ Self, and become One with You, a Son of God.

Those who have not truly found that Self, that All-loving, All-wise Something within, which always knows and will always point them the true way, when they can make self and its desires stand aside so they can listen and hear what Its quiet, gentle voice says, have failed to gain something most precious, something greater than all the occult powers of the greatestadept in the world. For they have not yet found the Comforter, the Blessed Christ within, Who knows all things, has all powers, and will lead them unto all Truth. It is He alone that leads all true disciples to and establishes them in the Kingdom.






IN THE Impersonal Teachings are some very great truths, some of them hidden from the beginning from all but the Elect. The very fact of their being Impersonal truly—Impersonal—declares their Source.

We would have you consider with us their Source, a Source which only a few so far have discovered; but those who know it are those who will comprehend fully what will be disclosed herein, while others we hope so to impress with the significance of what is stated that they will turn to the Teachings with a new understanding, inspired to search and study their truths and to stay with them until all of their vital meaning is uncovered.

One particularly vital point from the very beginning was persistently emphasized—that of turning the student within to his own Divine Self, (1) as the Source, (2) as the perfect Teacher, and (3) as the final Authority in all things needed to be known. Those who perceived this and who faithfully sought to become fully acquainted with this Self, have been richly rewarded by finding the promises of the Teachings perfectly fulfilled.







A very illuminating and needed explanation of the part Evil plays in the unfoldment of man's consciousness in his efforts to know, appropriate and express God. Very few truly Know what is Good and what is Evil and a reading and study of this pamphlet will open the eyes of many— even advanced students.






Many these days are seeking to know the Law that will free them from the lack and limitations in which they now find themselves. In this pamphlet will be found the essence of many years of study and practical proving of this Law, and stated so clearly that anyone who will do what is shown therein will surely find the way to freedom from mammon and all limiting ideas.







A- definite teaching of the law, "As you give, so shall you receive," showing that only by giving out freely and fearlessly, in perfect faith and trust in God, is it made possible for Him to supply you with plenty more. Many teachers as well as students need to know the inner working of this law, and this pamphlet has helped many to free themselves from the mental bondage brought on by the belief in lack and limitation.







HEREIN we will unfold to those who are ready what is perhaps the most important fact about himself a man can know. It has been told many times in other ways, but never just as we shall present it; for the simple reason that perhaps only one man in a million knows it exactly as will be stated.

Almost every man thinks he is the body of flesh that walks around and does the things he does every day of the year. If told he is not that body, but is something invisible and is but wearing that body as his body is wearing its clothes, the average man would find it difficult to understand, or would not believe it. But we are going to prove this in a new way, and make it so plain that all who read can comprehend and will never afterward consider themselves as mere flesh and blood.







THIS is an attempt to prove to you who read that what you think is yourself is an illusion, and has no actual existence except as a concept and belief in your mind.

We leave these thoughts for you to ponder over at the beginning of this New Year. Our greatest wish for you is that you do not allow one day to oass during the year that you do not take the time to recognize and commune with this Divine One, Who as your Christ Self is constantly ern deavoring to have you know Him as your True and Only.







We wish to talk with you about service, in order, if possible, to inspire in your minds a new and much higher ideal than perhaps you now have of what is real service. We can do this now, because many of you are able to enter the Christ Consciousness and know for yourselves. For in that Consciousness only can true service be rendered, because self never has any part in such service, as you will learn from what follows.

What do we mean by saying that self never has any part in true service? The kind of service meant always springs from above—or rather, from within—from the Christ of you; from a Love so far "above" and "beyond" self's interest and concern, that it comes from another world—it actually comes from the Kingdom of God's Consciousness, where all is that kind of Love.



Carol Snyder 

the author 


This author's translation is dedicated to Pure Impersonal Work with Children, the author of which is a member of the Sun Center, Carol Snyder. In the 1930s, the author collaborated with the author of Impersonal Teaching, Joseph S. Benner, and contributed to the journal Inner Life. She put her experience with her four-year-old girl to good use in the Way Out course for Children. 

He talks about the course itself as follows: "THIS series of lessons and questions is not intended to be used only as a set of dogmatic sermons for the child to memorize and repeat like a parrot. The whole purpose of the various similes, allegories, lesson games, etc. is to help to the child's own Higher Self to reveal to his still receptive and unsullied outer mind the truth of "Who He is" and "What He is a part of," the Law that governs life and expression, and how to bring his self into harmony with God's Plan and Purpose." 



Children with beautiful souls that their parents lead to spiritual development, where they themselves mature spiritually along with these beautiful souls. The book is a source of pure Truth and has a beneficial effect on the spirit, soul, mind and body. Drink up this wonderful book with your children.

"MOTHER ," said a dear little girl one day, "you've told me that God is within me like a great Light, and that He is in everyone else, too. Now how can He be in me and you and everyone else all at the same time?"

"Why Colombe!" answered Mother, "Just think for a moment of the finger-game we often play. You know, the one in which we make people out of our fingers by painting faces on the finger-nails, winding cloth about the fingers for clothes, etc? You have often talked to and played with your little finger people for a long time. Now each one looked different, and could move about, but they were, after all, each one a part of YOU, weren't they?"

"Oh, I see!" answered the little girl. We are like God's Fingers, and though we look different and act different we are all part of the same hand—God's Hand. But, Mother, my fingers do only what I want them to do. Then, if God is so Good and Loving and Powerful as you tell me, why does He make us, a part of Himself, to be sick and unhappy, and often mean and hateful? I never make my finger people do naughty things. Then why should God make His?"

"Well," said Mother, "the easiest way to explain this to you is by telling you a story about a Fairy and her Fingers."

"Oh, hurrah! A story!!" shouted Colombe in delight.




the author 


THIS impersonal work by author and teacher of metaphysics and impersonal teachings Florence Scovel Shinn (1871-1940). Her works had a significant impact on the New Thought movement, which emphasizes the power of words and positive thinking, faith and affirmations in transforming life.

Florence Scovel Shinn's writings have inspired many individuals to take control of their lives, believe in the power of the mind, and manifest their desires through positive thoughts and affirmations.

For the student of Truth who has entered the Kingdom and is in the service of God, the spiritual writings of Florence Scovel Shinn are guides to living fully in the Kingdom, where God is the Source of all Good.

He speaks of the Power of words and conscious thought in the Kingdom as follows:

One of the greatest messages given to the race through the scriptures is that God is man's supply and that man can release, through his spoken word, all that belongs to him by divine right. He must, however, have perfect faith in his spoken word.

A person who comes from a world financed by Mammon to a world financed by God comes with everything he desires or requires already on his way.

This supply is released through faith and the spoken word. "If you can believe, everything is possible."

The object of the game of life is to see clearly one's good and to obliterate all mental pictures of evil. This must be done by impressing the subconscious mind with a realization of good.

Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the "army of the aliens" which must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often, "darkest before the dawn."

A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.

Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and "error is exposed" to be put out.

This is the time when one must make his affirmations of truth repeatedly, and rejoice and give thanks that he has already received, "Before ye call I shall answer." This means that "every good and perfect gift" is already man's awaiting his recognition.

Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving.

However, the one who knows spiritual law, is undisturbed by appearance, and rejoices while he is "yet in captivity." That is, he holds to his vision and gives thanks that the end is accomplished, he has received.

Jesus Christ gave a wonderful example of this. He said to his disciples:

"Say not ye, there are yet four months and then cometh the harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are ripe already to harvest."

His clear vision pierced the "world of matter" and he saw clearly the fourth dimensional world, things as they really are, perfect and complete in Divine Mind. So man must ever hold the vision of his journey's end and demand the manifestation of that which he has already received. It may be his perfect, health, love, supply, self-expression, home or friends.

They are all finished and perfect ideas registered in Divine Mind (man's own superconscious mind) and must come through him, not to him.

editor -Jan Master


This book is a wonderful Divine gift of Truth about the manifestation of goodness, for all who live from the Kingdom of Spirit. Florence Scovel Shinn gives us clear instructions and shows us the way with the help of clear statements of Truth (affirmation).

Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game.

It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness. Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving.

"Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed, will return to him; what he gives, he will receive.

If he gives hate, he will receive hate; if he gives love, he will receive love; if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism; if he lies he will be lied to; if he cheats he will be cheated. We are taught also, that the imaging faculty plays a leading part in the game of life.

"If you are afraid, you are giving in to a belief in two powers, Good and Evil, instead of one. As God is absolute, there can be no opposing power, unless man makes the false of evil for himself. To show you believe in only One Power, God, and that there is no power or reality in evil, walk through WHAT YOU FEAR and you will see."

editor - Jan Master


This beautiful book of Truth, overturns the old beliefs in the mind and subconscious about lack, and shows us the way to the reality that God or Source is our true Source of all good and supply of all material and spiritual things.

Florence Scovel Shinn gives us clear instructions and shows us the way with the help of clear statements of Truth (affirmation).

"This book finds perfect ways for all who seek to light the way to their Divine plan, success, abundance, freedom, love, fulfillment under Grace, in God's perfect way."

In my book, "Your Word Is Your Wand," I tell about the Magic Purse. In the Arabian Nights they tell the story of a man who had a Magic Purse. As money went out, immediately money appeared in it again.

So I made the statement:

"My supply comes from God—I have the magic purse of the spirit. It can never be depleted. As money goes out, immediately money comes in. It is always crammed, jammed with abundance, under grace, in perfect ways."

This brings a vivid picture to mind: You are drawing on the bank of the imagination.

A woman who did not have much money was afraid to pay any bills and see her bank account dwindle. It came to her with great conviction: "I have the magic purse of the spirit. It can never be depleted. As money goes out, immediately, money comes in."



This book expresses the Power of our word, our conscious word, and gives us clear instructions for using the Power of the Word.

Florence Scovel Shinn gives us clear instructions and shows us the way with the help of clear statements of Truth (affirmation).

"This book finds perfect ways for all who seek to light the way to their Divine plan, success, abundance, freedom, love, fulfillment under Grace, in God's perfect way."

When man is harmonious and happy he is healthy! All sickness comes from sin or violation of Spiritual Law.

Jesus Christ said: "Be thou healed, your sins are forgiven."

Resentment, ill-will, hate, fear, etc., etc., tear down the cells of the body and poison the blood. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It.)

Accidents, old age and death itself, come from holding wrong mental pictures.

When man sees himself as God sees him, he will become a radiant being, timeless, birthless and deathless, for "God made man in His likeness and in His image."



This book expresses the Power of our word, our conscious word, and gives us clear instructions for using the Power of the Word.

Florence Scovel Shinn gives us clear instructions and shows us the way with the help of clear statements of Truth (affirmation).

"This book finds perfect ways for all who seek to light the way to their Divine plan, success, abundance, freedom, love, fulfillment under Grace, in God's perfect way."

A person with a rich consciousness attracts riches. A person with a poor consciousness attracts poverty. I have seen people in this Truth, rise out of lack and limitation by linking with the God-power within, not depending on the external, trusting in God gives you irresistible power, for this Supreme Intelligence only, knows the Way of fulfillment. "Trust in Me and I will bring it to pass."

All our knowledge of Truth can bring us is to know that God is the only Power. One Power, one Presence, one Plan. When you have the fixed idea that there is only one Power in the universe, God-power, all appearance of evil will disappear from your world. In getting a demonstration we must acknowledge only one Power. Evil comes from man's own "vain imaginings."

Withdraw all power from evil and it is powerless to hurt. I will give you an example which shows the working of the law. I was in a restaurant with a friend who spilled something on her dress. She was sure it would leave a stain. I said, "We'll give it a treatment." I made the statement, "Evil is unreal and leaves no stain." I said, "Now, don't look, leave it to Infinite Intelligence." In about an hour we took a look and there was not the slightest stain.



Helene R. Backus

the author

Wigsie Fairies

This page is dedicated to pure Impersonal Work, authored by SUN Center member Helene R. Backus. In the 1930s, the author collaborated with the author of Impersonal Teaching, Joseph S. Benner, and contributed to the magazine Inner Life.

Fourteen page book - a perfect explanation of the workings of the mysterious law of manifestation, a clear Truth that will penetrate your mind and illuminate the secrets of manifestation.

If you wish a real fairy story for the kiddies, one that teaches a very wonderful truth, from which every father and mother, uncle and aunt, grandfather and grandmother will gain much profit as well as blessing in reading and explaining its meaning to the little ones, secure a copy of this booklet.

It is a very interesting story and just the kind that children love and will talk about. - Joseph S. Benner





This page is dedicated to the impersonal work of the author of ALL MYSTERIES. He talks about his books like this:

In 1904, I published my first book, " The New Philosophy" and I gave away more than 29000 copies, refusing to take payment for a single one. I them explained that I did not need money, that I had a sufficient income to provide for my needs and pay for the book as well, that it was my delight to give the book free-that other men spent money on what pleased them, and I was merely spending money on what pleased me. Further, I said that I would not put myself in a position to be called mercenary. Others, who were teaching, praying and healing, but who themselves were not free from want, were charging so much per folio for their inspirations, and the world had its little joke at their expense, for, " the practice of truth" said the world, " should not be mercenary." But I was, and still am, and please God, ever shall be, free from want, yet I was then too lately emancipated to know that I could have handled the whole worlds coin without fear, favor, or one instants thought of danger of criticism.

In 1908, I first published my second book, "All Mysteries," of which I gave away no copies whatever, but about 4000 copies have sold. This is a book of action, not contemplation. Herein I show that an humble instrument of the CHRIST POWER, without merit in himself, can nevertheless act that POWER in you. This is a living faith. It has life now, independent of the past. It has joy now, independent of the future. But the principal thing it has is POWER. To such as cannot or will not grasp the point of view, or trust the CHRIST POWER, this book will nevertheless be of interest; for it makes the most sweeping claims, and, whether one is able to accept it or not, it is certainly offered in perfect sincerity and humility, as an inspiration of the highest character. Though I am personally a Counsel of the Supreme Court of The United States, and the recipient of other honors, I count nothing that this world can give as of the slightest value in comparison to the POWER herein explained. So I want to title. Call me neither " Honorable", " Esquire" or even " Mr."; just, plain – BROTHER CRANE.


The seminal Impersonal Work recorded by Arthur Crane, dictated by the True Divine Self - God, is the first secret encounter with his True Self - God within.

Loved by many for its similar method of teaching to the Impersonal books. It is an earlier message from another source. Indeed it had a distinct part in inspiring the writing of the other messages, because of its universality and its intimate personal application. One who reads and meditates on its profound yet simple teaching cannot but be lifted out of the little self into the consciousness of the Real Self talking in the book. - JOSEPH S. BENNER











In the Great Pyramid, all secrets are known, and one who understands its secrets has been initiated by the Master so that he can know all the Laws of Life. In this Bible in stone, the three-phase nature of man is revealed and the Path of Salvation and Ascension is shown. The state of worldly wise men who are dependent on wealth is evident, and the fate of those who do not turn to the Lord is announced - a bottomless pit is prepared for them, and those who fight against God will not escape. The law is certain and certain, and no one can change it. May the blessed pay attention to the revelations contained in the stone Bible of the Earth, which intriguing people cannot erase or change for their own selfish benefit.

Behold, the Bible in stone, which stood for thousands of years unchanged .