I inspire by living Live Love in a partnership, a life of my own courage, true freedom and a new, fresh vision of Life ...
I am the author of Doreán Holistic Therapy, a guide to partnerships of the new era, author, lecturer of author trainings, schools, seminars - retreates, guide to conscious Life and inner transformation, photographer of the essences of Women, Men and Life ...
Classical and modern psychology and psychotherapy have given me the tools and techniques to recognize old patterns and beliefs. Art therapy - drawing and painting deep recognition of emotions. The dance gave me the opportunity to deeply express emotions and feelings through the body.
By self-questioning, I went to the roots and cause of my own suffering and inner struggle and removed them.
PVŠPS Prague University of Psychosocial Studies, Faculty of Psychotherapy, Psychotherapeutic Training - model BIG SUR - MUDr. PhDr.Jan Poněšický PhD., Psychology-private study, Self-experience art therapy training (2 years) - ak.mal. Kamila Ženatá, Deep psychological interpretation of dreams (two-year cycle of seminars) -Doc. PhDr. Jiří Růžička Ph.D., Phenomenology- Prof.PhDr. Anna Hogenová CSc.Other accredited seminars and education-group psychotherapy, CBT, non-verbal techniques and non-verbal communication, transaction analysis, physiotherapy, coaching, body-focused therapy, creative non-verbal techniques, relaxation techniques, Roger's psychotherapy ... etc.,
15 years of experience - private psychological consulting room, own practice, lecturer, coach, therapist at the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice. Other work experience - travel guide, travel agency owner.
Dance improvisation and spontaneous dance - (Creative body - Project for Laban / Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies New York Rena Milgron, Dance for water - Global Water Dance - participation in the worldwide project Prague, ritual "welcoming the sun" - Čajomír festival Prague, dance performance - WOMEN LUNA- Dance theaters White Whale- Kampa Theater, Prague) ...
Co-creator (with Ján Master) of the creative and art space Art Gallery Man and Woman in the Heart - Prague - five wonderful years of incredible growth. From the bottom of my heart Thank you :-)
Thank you for the innermost sincerity to yourself, face to face ... it takes courage, strength and love ... :-)
Monika Doreán