

The result of EVERY of our efforts and endeavors is to LIVE and FEEL GOOD. 

The most important question that each of us solves every second - How to live, what to do, how to think in order to live our life happily, fulfilled and at peace. 

A higher level is to feel Good without circumstances.

The essential difference is feeling good for a short time after successfully completing some of our endeavors or permanently in the course of life's circumstances. Feel good without conditions.

I chose to feel Good permanently in the course of life's circumstances. Quite a big Challenge, a very difficult journey, but the Result of indescribable value...

Feeling good, I can describe it as a feeling of peace, satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment is basically our natural state, we don't have to "create it, seek it, strive for it through anything.."

... is permanently behind our noisy minds, feelings and sensory perceptions, and everyone has access to it.

I am repeatedly convinced that suffering is only the result of an undisciplined mind - allowing assumptions and fears, creating unhelpful ideas and hypotheses.

If you feel good, you create good things, if you feel bad, you continue to ride the wheel of bad things...

If you are in a state where you feel consistently good and something happens in your life that you don't want or don't like, it won't make you a victim and your solution will be constructive and without suffering.

You will find the right and beneficial relationship to the reality you are experiencing. You do not react automatically, learnedly, predictably, but you consciously decide HOW you will react and that is the fundamental difference.

Without a dysfunctional mind, things become easier, circumstances become more favorable.

Life is just what you think it is...

It doesn't mean that something you don't want or something you won't like won't happen in your life... but stepping out of your "comfort zone" is no longer stressful for you.

...but from this new level of vision it no longer brings you a sense of suffering.

Unfounded fear and all its unhelpful variants cease to have a reason. Lightness of Being, openness, inspiration, a completely new level of Life comes...

...it's normal to feel good/ Monika Doreán