Relaxed, immersed in Life...that's the Lightness of Being for me...
If you really long for Love, peace and joy, freedom, you choose it...
...the simplest thing appears to be the most difficult...
... but when you really decide, you accept the challenges of Life and the courage to fully immerse yourself in it with all the "good" and "bad" you will gain depth and Authenticity.
And in that depth and Truth is Love, Joy, Peace, Freedom.
They have always been there, it is your Essence, beneath all the accumulated beliefs about yourself, and they are always available to you, just be aware of it.
Most likely, you will lose a lot of illusions about yourself and others, your "certainties" will fall apart, but there is no other way...
You can always choose between the fickle, short-term, fleeting feeling of happiness that you will always have to strive for, or the constant feeling of peace and indescribable quiet daily joy that comes from the depths of your being without effort.
There is only one thing that cannot be done and that is to make a compromise between this.
Whatever you decide, everything is right, right for you...
Doreán/Lightness of Being