This page is dedicated to the impersonal work of the author of ALL MYSTERIES. He talks about his books like this:
1904, I published my first book, " The New Philosophy" and
I gave away more than 29000 copies, refusing to take payment for a
single one. I them explained that I did not need money, that I had a
sufficient income to provide for my needs and pay for the book as
well, that it was my delight to give the book free-that other men
spent money on what pleased them, and I was merely spending money on
what pleased me. Further, I said that I would not put myself in a
position to be called mercenary. Others, who were teaching, praying
and healing, but who themselves were not free from want, were
charging so much per folio for their inspirations, and the world had
its little joke at their expense, for, " the practice of truth"
said the world, " should not be mercenary." But I was, and
still am, and please God, ever shall be, free from want, yet I was
then too lately emancipated to know that I could have handled the
whole worlds coin without fear, favor, or one instants thought of
danger of criticism.
1908, I first published my second book, "All Mysteries,"
of which I gave away no copies whatever, but about 4000 copies have
sold. This is a book of action, not contemplation. Herein I show that
an humble instrument of the CHRIST POWER, without merit in himself,
can nevertheless act that POWER in you. This is a living faith. It
has life now, independent of the past. It has joy now, independent of
the future. But the principal thing it has is POWER. To such as
cannot or will not grasp the point of view, or trust the CHRIST
POWER, this book will nevertheless be of interest; for it makes the
most sweeping claims, and, whether one is able to accept it or not,
it is certainly offered in perfect sincerity and humility, as an
inspiration of the highest character. Though I am personally a
Counsel of the Supreme Court of The United States, and the recipient
of other honors, I count nothing that this world can give as of the
slightest value in comparison to the POWER herein explained. So I
want to title. Call me neither " Honorable", "
Esquire" or even " Mr."; just, plain – BROTHER
The seminal Impersonal Work recorded by Arthur Crane, dictated by the True Divine Self - God, is the first secret encounter with his True Self - God within.
by many for its similar method of teaching to the Impersonal books.
It is an earlier message from another source. Indeed it had a distinct
part in inspiring the writing of the other messages, because of its universality
and its intimate personal application. One who reads and meditates
on its profound yet simple teaching cannot but be lifted out of the
little self into the consciousness of the Real Self talking in the
Crane shows in this book that before a student of Truth can come to
realization, he must master and control the "influences" that is, the
animal and low instincts that are in his nature and the external low and
evil energies, then on his way he will enter the Ideal. And from the
Ideal into practical life, where Christ and his Power of Love already
Within you there is that,
which knows all, that which sub-consciously is omniscient. Be still
and listen to its voice. It is not personal, not separate from all
other life, but one with all other life. It is life itself. It is
you, yourself.
to what it says:
AM your true self. I AM the true God. I AM love. I fill your being. I
give you strength to endure joyfully. I prompt you to real
accomplishment when personal ambition is dead. I inspire you to real
pleasure when personal desire is killed. I give your eyes sight when
their capacity for personal tears has passed away. I give your ears
hearing when they have lost their personal sensitiveness. When your
personal sympathy for separate sorrows is slain, I lead your feet in
the path. I am the Conqueror. I fight your battles. I AM that part of
you you call 'I.'